In this crazy tumultuous world we live in, it is great to know that some things are still constant: - no matter how good a multi-tasker one might be, trying to laugh and drink Smirnoff Double Black simultaneously will result in all sorts of nasty, choking mess - any gathering involving more than about ten choristers and some alcohol will generally yield Morals Report worthy quotes (eg, "Well, whose getting off first then?" from a suspisciously sober alto :-P )- going to the Central Market and eating a Zuma's 'Full-on' breakfast at 1pm on a Saturday is an awesome start to the weekend

Yes, that's me, hugging an ancient Scottish monolith (you can tell it's Scottish from the heather in the background, for those who didn't quite get that one).
No, I can't be expected to go back to living in Adelaide and working 9 - 5 (make that 7.30 - 4.30) after having done things like monolith hugging.
Yeah, feeling very random at the moment... no, I'm not on the "University cigaretttes"... it's a completely drug free state of weirdness...
Ok, I'm not really sure what's wrong with me, but lately I have been feeling incredibly bored, but seriously overwhelmed by life at the same time. I think I need to get out of Adelaide. I'm applying for a job in Melbourne. I think Melbourne would be good for me. Any suggestions about what the hell I should do with my life would be most welcome. Seriously guys, I could use the input.